Mom and Stace

Mom and Stace
The greatest wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend alive!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

She's had better days

One of the last things Mom said to me before Staci and I headed back to Raleigh was that today wasn't a good day.  She's just having a really hard time with these feeding treatments, they're making her feel really crummy.  She also got kind of anxious this morning and the medicine she took to help, made her pretty sleepy most of the day.  For some reason though, even though she was sleepy she also couldn't settle down either.  She was in the bed, then in the chair, back and forth pretty much every half an hour or so.  I think it's just going to take her body a little time to adjust to being fed this way and then she's be going to be good to go, but today...not so good.  Minor bad news...I forgot to take a picture of her new haircut before I left since she just wasn't in the mood to have her picture taken today.  Dad's going to take a picture once she's up to it and we'll get it posted.  Everybody have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. It will certainly take her some time to settle into her new normal and anytime you mess with the body's natural order it is going to protest, but she will get there and more quickly than you will think! Please let her know that we are all thinking about her and keeping all of you in our prayers!

    Lesley Sanders Boyer and Family
