Mom and Stace

Mom and Stace
The greatest wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend alive!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Okay, I'm going to make this very quick because it's after midnight and this is the first chance I've had to do an update today.  Sorry!  I haven't actually been able to talk to Mom today, but when I called after work this afternoon, I could hear her talking to Dave on the other phone and she sounded nice and strong.  She didn't sleep at all last night, but she was still in good spirits today according to Dad.  She sat in the living room and on the porch, but didn't spend much time in the bed.  The home health nurse came by and got her all set up.  She had her first feeding tube meal since coming home, she's been able to take a shower, you know...all the normal things we take for granted every day.  She's had some visitors today and was able to enjoy them.  She's doing great and getting a little better every day!


  1. Pam & family,

    We can only imagine the joy that is speeding through your family to have you in your HOME. The view from the porch is so sweet & the milder weather will give you enjoyment with the changing of the leaves. You & your family continue to be an example of faith & strength for all of us. What a blessing that we can be part of your lives.

    Hugs, Bob & Kitty Henson

  2. Your Mom is phenomenal. To be able to endure what she has and be up so much and in such good spirits. We love and appreciate her so much for her example. Always in our prayers.
    Dewey and Vada

  3. Welcome home!! It has to feel wonderful to be back. We still keep you in our prayers and know that every day will get a little better. Lots of adjustments to make, I'm sure, but the Brews are up to the challenge.
    So many in our ward have asked about you and offered their help. If you can name a little task (or a big one) we can find someone eager to do it. Brad and I will be first in line. We love you.
