Mom and Stace

Mom and Stace
The greatest wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend alive!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not Much To Report

Sorry but there is not much good to report. A medication adjustment has at least reduced her anxiety, although it is still there. She has gone for several "spins" in a wheelchair today and it wears her out. Still, it occupies her mind. She watched the playoff hole of the golf tournament today and reported to me when I walked back in that "Tiger lost." A chest x-ray was done today to check her lungs. There is most likely some fluid or pneumonia present. Starting last night, we noticed some swelling in her legs and feet. Her nurse said that as strange as it sounds, it is probably related to the fluid in her lungs. She has been awake most of the day so I'm hoping that means she will sleep better tonight. At this moment, she is resting well. We're hoping that tomorrow will bring better news when all the doctors get back on their rounds. Keep praying.


  1. "Every one of us has times when we need to know things will get better... my declaration is that that is precisely what the gospel of Jesus Christ offers us, especially in times of need. ..Dont you quit! You keep walking! You keep trying! There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon, some come late and some don't come till heaven but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ.. they COME. It will be alright in the end. Trust God and BELIEVE in GOOD THINGS to come!"
    Jeffrey R. Holland.

    LOVE you guys.. GOOD things will COME! Hang in there! WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU! <3 Rebecca

  2. We will continue to pray for her every day. We fasted for her yesterday and for your whole family. Sure hope she improves enough to enjoy the Christmas with ya'll. Dewey and Vada

  3. Our fasting yesterday for Pam & all of you kept our hearts & mind on you. We know that fhe reporting is one more thing for you to do but our gratitude for you news is great. We all are standing with you.
    Hugs Bob & Kitty
