Mom and Stace

Mom and Stace
The greatest wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend alive!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

Mom's still at the hospital in Wilmington (New Hanover). I'm like the rest of you guys reading, I hate to call and bother Dad with updates every so often and one night Lindsey found me reading the blog and said, "Are you reading the blog to keep up with what's going on with Mom?" :) I did just talk to Dad and there's not really a lot more to update. They did bloodwork last night and they put in a new tube a little while ago. They have also noticed that her fistula - the part of her esophogus that's outside of her body in the ostomy bag seems to be healing/closing up. Not good...Dad asked the doctors and nurses about this and they haven't really said anything about it. We'll keep you guys posted as we get more news. We do know that she'll be staying at the hospital at least through the night. And in other's Dad's birthday today! Happy Birthday Dad!


  1. Thinking of all of you. Thank you for the postings. They help us stay close.

    Happy birthday, Reggie. Our wishes for peace go to you.

    Our love & prayers are with all of you.

    Bob & Kitty Henson

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE you all!!! :) happy birthday! all my thoughts and prayers! <3 rebecca willis
